What you can do with content on Facebook

I read a article “Content on Facebook: What Separates a Popular Fan Page from the Rest?” by Kathleen Barth .

Kathleen, like many other social media people, says that content is king. This time she provide us with analyze what allows Facebook fan page maximize its impact.

Owner Content.
Most popular types of content:
Fan Content.
Top reasons fans join a brand page:
image with text find discounts (42%)
image just love products (33%)
video get latest news on products (24%)
text give company ideas on how to improve products (12%)
external link get customer service (12%)
poll complain (6%)
reasons fans choose to follow a page: top reasons to unsubscribe from a fan page:
being treated in a special way by the brand (95%) no longer interested in brand (32%)
be spokesman for brand (94%) information published too frequently (27%)
talk/interaction (77%) information not liked by fan (12%)
not publishing frequently enough (7%)

The whole article you can find at socialmediatoday site
Kathleen Barth — 3 years of social media marketing experience in the Los Angeles area, mostly for entertainment clients. She is available for freelance work.


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