Don’t Panic Just Talk to Executives

king and queen showVery interesting article by Nichole Kelly on 7 Tips for Selling Executives on Social Media

Nichole explained in 7 steps how to convince executives that social media is something important….very important:

  • identify with the mindset of executives
  • show the money
  • stop freaking out
  • understand what you can measure today
  • know what you can’t measure today
  • recognize what you are dealing with
  • set a plan for today and tomorrow

You need a lot of information so you won’t feel unprepared for the conversation but in my opinion all you really need at the end is to show them the money. As long as executives can see that social media can help them and support their goals – you’ve got it!
…so go and check Nichole’s article on social media examiner

Nichole Kelly –Nichole Kelly is a social media measurement speaker, consultant and coach. She is also the publisher of, where she shows how to measure and multiply social media ROI.


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