How to Hide Friends on Facebook?

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[UPDATE: After all new Facebook privacy setting changes I published a new post on How to Hide Friends on Facebook with a step-by-step guide]

You like your Facebook profile, you like your friends on Facebook but you just don’t want others to see how many or who is your friend on Facebook.

How to hide that information on New Facebook Timeline?

  • log in to your Facebook profile [to do that you need your e-mail and password]

    facebook_log in

  • in upper right corner click on your name [the one next to small profile picture]


  • click on your friends box which is located among photos, maps, likes, etc. under your cover profile photo. Now you should see the list of all your Facebook friends
  • facebook_timeline_friends1

  • click on edit button in upper right corner – you will have access to who can see your full friend list on your timeline? [Important note from Facebook: mutual friends will still be visible to other people.]. Then click on the audience icon and in the new menu choose “Only Me” option.


Thanks to those few quick steps you were able to hide your Facebook friends. Again, please remember that mutual friends will still be visible to other people.

Here is the youtube video how to hide your friends on old Facebook profile:


social media helper for Older Adults and Non-Techies | blogger at | guest speaker | coach | helping Baby Boomers and Older Adults to understand social media, stay safe online and discover iPhone/iPad world


  1. Nice walk through klaudia jurewicz , I don’t think many people know that you can hide your friends on Facebook. Very useful information, thanks!

  2. AnnemarieCoach

    Great step-by-step post Klaudia – thnk you!

  3. Knikkolette Church

    Hey Klaudi – great post! 🙂 I’m sure this is something many people will want to know. 🙂

  4. Hi ! Thanks so much for your time yesterday! Unfortunately like you said
    Facebook changes as soon as we learn it! Things have changed again
    and I hope when you have time you can post a video with sound.
    I was playing with the option CUSTOM under the EDIT button to help hide friends
    To hide them all I think I would have to put them all in one GROUP?

    • @skalupa1 Thank you so much for your call and comments. The updated post (with step-by-step how to hid friends on Facebook) is almost ready so I’m going to publish it very soon.

  5. Hi again! I would like to make myself Non- searchable in Facebook
    I am friends with all I need. There used to be an ONLY ME option for searching but that
    is gone too – you said all my ‘stuff’ was protected …
    Is there a way to turn this search off? I do have NO under Internet search
    but I still show up ( just profile and cover photo) Thanks everyone

    • @skalupa1 The thing is that when  I did the test and searched for your name on Facebook at first I was not able to find you at all but later your name showed up and all I was able to see was: your profile picture/cover photos. I’m going to add one more tip (in my post) how to hide your Facebook profile 🙂 see you soon online

    • @skalupa1 As far as I’m aware that’s it. The other option is to block specific  individuals from finding you on Facebook (but in that case you need to add their usernames, emails).
      You selected option “NO” under internet search – however, information such your timeline (cover photos, profile picture) may still appear in search results until the search engine (Goolge, Bing, etc.) updates and deletes it.

  6. @Knikkolette Church – Hi does this still work for you? HIDE FRIENDS

  7. Hello ! I would settle for friends just being able to see MUTUAL FRIENDS
    I HAVE Googled … Tried even on PC at library
    Nothing is working ? When I do VIEW AS even if I have created a CUSTOM LIST
    they are able to see ALL OF MY FRIENDS ! Appreciate your help !!

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