What Happened to Facebook Pages? The New Look

Do you know what happened to Facebook layout? There are a lot of things going on and maybe you are lost a little bit among all those updates…

Facebook introduced totally new look, some might like it and some not really but it is what it is. Lets check what options do you have. And before that please remember about few things (just to stay safe and still have fun on Facebook).

…just in case 3 things you should remember:

  • check your Facebook privacy settings
  • maybe it’s time to do something with your timeline cover?
  • check your Facebook “about” section – what are you sharing about yourself

Here you can check what’s going on with Facebook Pages transition (thanks to integricity) – 10 Things You Should Know about Revamped Facebook Pages
to check the bigger image of that infographic please click here

new Facebook layout_infographic

If you need more information go to: All Facebook website


social media helper for Older Adults and Non-Techies | blogger at groovypinkblog.com | guest speaker | coach | helping Baby Boomers and Older Adults to understand social media, stay safe online and discover iPhone/iPad world


  1. Nice infographic! Great find. Still finding my way around even though I have implemented it quite a few times now. Seems like there is something new to discover around every corner.

  2. Hey @KlaudiaJurewicz Klaudia – great infographic – I like that it includes the optimal size for app image and milestone photo.  Great job! 🙂

  3. Pingback: Facebook Timeline Cover and Profile Image « Graphics & Social Networking SIGs

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